Years of Experience
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Happy Clients
Honors & Awards
About Me
Hi there 👋, I'm Ahmed Soliman.
Experienced Software Engineer/Architect in the fin-tech industry with skills in full-stack Java development, strong interpersonal skills in collaborative problem-solving, and expertise in web dev, SDLC, Agile, Spring, databases, networking, and security.
Passionate about information security and approaching programming challenges from different angles while collaborating with others to create meaningful applications.
Great interpersonal skills gained from years of experience as a working professional with strengths in communication, organization, and creativity. Skilled in Web development, Programming Languages, Java development, SDLC, Agile practices, Spring framework, Database management, Networking, and Information Security.
- Fluent in: Java, C++, C#, JavaScript & Python
- Web Technologies & Frameworks: Spring, SpringBoot, OpenCvSharp, Vue, React, React Native, Angular & Flask and Django
- Scripts/UI: JavaScript; jQuery, AJAX, Bootstrap
- Database: MongoDB, MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL
- Deployment Tools: Docker, Jira, Jenkins
- Version Control: Git, GitLab, GitHub, Bitbucket
- 🔭 I’m currently working on java projects
- 🌱 I’m currently learning algorithms
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Java, SrpingBoot, C#, C++, Python & React projects
- 🤔 I’m looking for help with cyber security issues
- 💬 Ask me about any tech related question
- ⚡ Fun fact: I speak Egyptian 𓂀
- 📫 How to reach me:
My interests span around cyber security, robotics, full-stack development, human-computer interaction, intuitive design, personal computing and business. I'm excited to collaborate/share ideas with colleagues and thinkers around me! I enjoy turning complex problems into simple, beautiful, and intuitive designs. When I'm not coding, tweeting, or pushing pixels, you'll find me cooking, working out, or making short films. Photography, motion graphics, and videography is my passion.
What I Do
Full Stack Development
I leverage contemporary tools and cutting-edge technologies in conjunction with a personalized Agile methodology to develop front-end and back-end products with utmost professionalism.
As a UX & UI developer, I stay up-to-date with the latest design trends and work closely with the designer or design team to deliver optimal UX/UI solutions that facilitate the best possible user experience.
Game Design
As a professional in game development, I create comprehensive strategies that aim to enhance engagement, pleasure, and a diverse range of sensations in game experiences.
Mobile App Development
As a mobile application designer and developer, I create iOS and Android applications that serve as complements or substitutes for web solutions. I possess the skillset required to design mobile applications from scratch or take over and enhance existing apps to optimize their performance.
Unit Testing
In my professional capacity, I specialize in developing comprehensive self-healing test cases that encompass elastic scaling, functional, load, and performance testing to guarantee seamless and reliable functionality across all browsers and devices while ensuring optimal performance.
(PWA) Development
In my professional career, I expedited the development of Progressive Web Apps (PWA) and facilitated their availability on multiple devices. I collaborated with clients to gain insights into their requirements and launched user-friendly applications that met their expectations.